Faith at Fifty

DSC01223 (2)There’s a biblical scripture that says “walk by faith, not by sight”. It isn’t walk by faith as long as you’re comfortable and you know how’s it going to turn out.

Often we set forth with great intentions to have enormous faith in something, however somewhere along the way doubt kicks in and we change the direction based on the “feeling” we’re having. Our dreams, goals and aspirations do not expand in “fear” but rather as a result of consistent and persistent action. Act on purpose in faith.

As I approach 50, I’m reminded of this scripture and my own words. My faith is stronger than it’s ever been and my walk may be appreciated and admired by some while misunderstood by others –  wondering “what in the world is Lisa doing now  or what is she going to do now.” Everything is in divine order and all that I’ve failed at or accomplished have been in preparation for what’s next. My charge in life is bigger than my mind can conceive however my faith is the cup that holds the sea of responsibility.

Greater things are on the horizon and I’m holding fast and furiously to the helm of his garment.

I’m comforted though because BLISS requires the unimaginable, unpredictable and the unconceivable, all executed in faith not Fear!!!

So please, if you see the wind in my locks of hair as I fly by on the wings of faith, raise your hand up in celebration  – cause I’ll be on my way to making some stuff happen. I know I got some mo work to do  and lives to transform!




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2 thoughts on “Faith at Fifty

  1. That is so good Lisa, and very true! Our faith does not waiver due to age, instead it should grow stronger! I am so glad that you have allowed God to transform you from the inside out! Keep up that swag! Makes me excited for my days to come! #saynotofear

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