Success – Only The Strong Survive!

as the day broke my senses awakened and heat quickly invaded my body. I stroked my face to meet the damp beads rising on my forehead. My lower extremities ached unlike any other day although I’d felt this pain once before.  What’ndaworld? Is this what menopause and arthritis are all about? According to my doctors this is normal – Ha! Yeah, right!

It was 193 and I’d committed to completing the 10K steps daily, so here we go! With this little pain lingering, it’s going to be a “loooonnnng walk…         aaaround the park, after the dark” -sung in the lyrics of Jill Scott

Ok, so the strategist in me kicked in and my inner voice said ” I need a strategy to do this and today my spirit will have to be stronger than my body or my mind.”

So I slowly got up and began stretching my right leg by pulling it up to have my knee touch my nose. It was a challenge but I did it. I repeated on the left side. I stretched some more for about 30 mins. I ate some leafy greens and turkey breast and went on with my working day. I decided I wasn’t going to worry so much about whether or not I’d walk the steps but rather focus on how and when would be the best time to do it. Usually morning is the best time,….however not today! The stretching helped but my legs weren’t quite ready.

After a few hours of calls and meetings, I thought I’d test the theory that elongated movement(stretching) along with slow  progression was the key. So at 2pm, I walked around the parking deck and felt ok. Then at 3:30 at a moderately slow pace, I went for it. 30 mins in my legs begin to ache, so I stretched for 15 mins – simple stretches but deliberate to hit the right spots. Guess what? I walked and completed the goal……”YES!”

Oddly enough, I noticed later than night the pain had lessened; still there but less than when I arose. It was worthy is at least inquiring; was it the food, stretching, the resting, the slow pace or my commitment to feel and be better than I was yesterday?  I’m not sure, but I’m on a quest to find out. Another day is coming and I’m on a mission to master the challenge of all of it – the pain, the walk and the persistent, consistent discipline. It is truly the keys to success!

Ya know, for those who don’t really know me, I’m such a rebel! I don’t like being told what to do, not even by my own body. I will challenge even the slightest norm. In this case, it was normal to just sit this day out and rest, but for me, it was being true to my word to myself. Rebel or not, I’m victorious in knowing I’m honoring me no matter what. I think most successful people are like that – nothing ever stops the goal!

Soon, I’ll write about my journey through challenges that should’ve broken me,…..and how this rebel is still standing through it all!

The journey continues….

Lisa H. Thomas
CEO/Sr. Business Strategist
704 909 7663
910 221 9294


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