Day 188 and I’m feeling a little better about the days ahead. I’ve mastered the walking thing. It’s become second nature and I let nothing get in the way of my goal being met.
But, this eating! Omg, this eating regimen is kicking my tail. It ain’t easy. The next 6months are a critical part of my intention to walk the pain out of my body. The nutrition is key – gluten, sugar and diary elimination!
I think it’s time for me to adopt my one day at a time goal again. If I can just make it through each meal,one day at a time, maybe …just maybe I’ll be on my way – Persistent, consistent discipline is what I’m striving for once again. Let’s see what tomorrow brings with that in front of me.
There is a brighter side though. I forget just how much I love the simple things about life but when I walk, I’m reminded.
I recall the summer days spent on my great grandmother’s ole porch where I would sit and just take in the good clean fresh air – not a care of the world. When I take a stroll outside or stop to sit on a park bench, it’s like a little slice of heaven from that ole porch – while walking on sunshine everyday of the week.
So simple, yet so paramount to my inspiration for living life on purpose! Tomorrow is another day! And I will have the opportunity once again to move on purpose AND walk right into the sunshine!!!!
Lisa H. Thomas
CEO/Sr. Business Strategist
704 909 7663
910 221 9294